Monday, 18 February 2013

Parfait Dyeing

If you have never Parfait dyed you don't know what your missing out on!

Parfait Jar
Its easy when you know how and the results are amazing!
Basically parfait dyeing is a way of adding different colours to a piece of fabric in a jar. The colours merge and mingle magically and produce an amazing piece of fabric.

In the jam jar we added one third of a long piece of presoaked calico, then we poured in the first concoction of the dye, salt and soda mixture, in this case the first dye was magenta. Now you wait patiently for ten minutes then add the second third of the fabric and second colour (yellow), ten minutes again and the third section of fabric went in and the final colour (blue). Now the hard part, you have to put the lid on and leave it alone and not fiddle with it for a whole 24 hours! 

The photograph of the jar shows the way the dyes have mingled and some of the blue granules of dye have fallen to the bottom. 

The result!!
After 24 hours if you can wait that long you need to rinse out any remaining dye with warm water. The fabric absorbs so much of the dye the liquid is almost clear.

I think the result is pretty amazing, especially if you are like me and find randomness a major trauma! 

I think it would make some lovely scarves!

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